Samsung 4 GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM SO-DIMM

Postuar nga | Postuar ne DDR3 SDRAM | Postuar ne 2015-03-02


Samsung Electronics released DDR3 SDRAM modules using the 30nm process technology in July 2010. This RAM module was made by the 40nm process technology.

Samsung SODIMM DDR3 PC3-10600 4GB frontside Samsung SODIMM DDR3 PC3-10600 4GB rearside

Emri i produktit Samsung DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600 4GB SO-DIMM
(2RX8, PC3-10600S-09-10-F2, M471B5273CH0-CH9)
prodhues Elektronikë Samsung (SEC)
Vendi i prodhimit Kinë
Ndërtoni vitin / javën 2011/13
Kapaciteti i të dhënave 4GB
Shpejtësia e orës 1333Mhz (PC3-10600)
Koha e kujtesës CL = 9, tRCD = 9, tRP = 9
Features 204gjilpere, SODIMM, Unbuffer Non-ECC DDR3 SDRAM
Production process technology 40nm
Bit të dhënash x64
Modulet e brendshme të bankave 8
gradat 2
Përbërja e çipave të të dhënave 256M x 8 * 16 copë
Rishikimi i komponentit 2Gb, C-the
paketë 78 ball FBGA
lartësi 30mm
Tensioni VDD 1.5V
Gama e temperaturës së rastit operativ 0° C ~ 85 ° C

Comments (3)

I would like to buy this Memory.

Hi there,

How can I order one of this?

Thank you!

I was planning to buy one of this module

Samsung DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600 4GB SO-DIMM
(2RX8, PC3-10600S-09-10-F2, M471B5273CH0-CH9)

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