UMC Sync Cache Module 256KB (Pipeline Burst Cache, STRAND)

Sent af | Birt í SRAM | birt á 2013-01-05


UMC Sync Cache Module 256KB Frontside (Pipeline Burst Cache)

UMC Sync Cache Module 256KB Backside (Pipeline Burst Cache)

Mörg aðalborð, studd snemma pentium CPU, hafði venjulega sync skyndiminni minniskubba sem CPU L2 skyndiminni. Þessi samstillingar skyndiminni eining(STRAND; Skyndiminni á priki) er ytri minniseining notuð sem viðbótar CPU L2 skyndiminni. Það hámarkar afköst örgjörvans á meðan örgjörvinn bíður eftir leiðbeiningum eða gögnum. L2 cache is used for operating closer to the theoretical limit of the microprocessor.

‘Pipeliningsuggests that the transfers after the first transfer happen before the first transfer has arrived at the processor. ‘Pipleline burst cachewas developed as an alternative to asynchronous cache and synchronous burst cache.

  • vöru Nafn : UMC Sync Cache Module 256KB (Version : 1.8)
  • Hlutanúmer : LM 2MV 94V-0
  • Framleiðandi : UMC
  • Framleiðsluland : Taívan
  • Byggingarár/vika : 1996/39
  • Gagnageta : 256KB
  • Pin count : 80pins
  • Eiginleikar : STRAND(Skyndiminni á priki), Pipeline Burst Cache, additional L2 Cache, SRAM
  • Spenna : 3.3V
  • Flís samsetning : [UM61(L)3232AF-7 9641S MM4X52] ✕ 2 + [UM61(m)256s-15 9549D RB1121] ✕ 1


Sync Cache Module Slot (Pipeline_Burst_Cache Moduel Slot)

UMC Sync cache module installed on Soyo mainboard slot

Athugasemdir (2)

You forgot the most common colloquial term for these: COAST (Skyndiminni á priki) :P

I just know the term, STRAND(Skyndiminni á priki).
Thank you for your kind comment.

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