Product name Samsung DDR3 SDRAM PC3-10600 2GB Memory (1Rx8 PC3-10600U-09-10-A0 M378B5773CH0-CH9 M378B5263DH1) Manufacturer Samsung Electronics Country of manufacture China Build year/week 2010/38 Data Capacity 2GB Clock speed 1333Mhz (PC3-10600) Features 240pin, Unbuffer Non-ECC DDR3 SDRAM DIMM Production process technology 40nm Data bits x64 Internal Module banks 8 Data chip composition [SEC HCH9 K4B2G0846C] ✕ 8 sgoltagan […]
Lean air adhart a’ leughadh
Ainm toraidh : ELPIDA 2GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600S-9-10-F1 Part Number : EBJ21UE8BFU0-DJ-F Manufacturer : ELPIDA Country of manufacture : Taiwan Build Year/Week : 2010/38 Factor foirm : DDR3 SO-DIMM Features : 204prìne, Non-ECC Memory Capacity : 2GB Max Data Rate : 1333Mbps Voltage : 1.5V Organization : 256M words × 64 bits, 2 ranks Chip Composition : J1108BFBG-DJ-F […]
EDO DRAM has temporary memory space for faster data I/O. It is effective when the system cannot receive cache memory support. But if the system has cache memory, the effect of EDO DRAM is little. Dèanadair : Fiosrachadh mun chompanaidh Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Earr. Tog bliadhna / seachdain : 1997/32 Dùthaich saothrachaidh : Coiria (Corea a-Deas) Pàirt Àireamh […]
Bha an SIMM seo air a chòmhdach le dath òir. The plating color and the board form of this SIMM is different from the SIMM with GM71C4400A. Tha GM71C4400B 1M × 4bit. Agus tha GM71C1000B 1M × 4bit. Chan eil comas cuimhne agus gnìomh an SIMM seo eadar-dhealaichte bhon SIMM le GM71C4400A agus GM71C1000. Manufacturing […]
Is e òrmham-malairt an comharra-malairt ann an Co., Earr. Dh 'atharraich e an t-ainm a-steach do sec seg agus lg semiconductor (Lg searbhairc) aig 1995, agus chaidh a chur còmhla ann an gnìomhachas dealanach dealanach (Hynix de a-nis) aig 1999. Companaidh saothrachaidh : Goldstar Electron Manufactured year: 1993 Dùthaich saothrachaidh : South Korea Module Features : 30prìne, DRAM, SIMM, RAM co-ionannachd […]