Bha an SIMM seo air a chòmhdach le dath òir. The plating color and the board form of this SIMM is different from the SIMM with GM71C4400A. Tha GM71C4400B 1M × 4bit. Agus tha GM71C1000B 1M × 4bit. Chan eil comas cuimhne agus gnìomh an SIMM seo eadar-dhealaichte bhon SIMM le GM71C4400A agus GM71C1000. Manufacturing […]
Lean air adhart a’ leughadh
Goldstar is the trademark of Goldstar Electron Co., Earr. It changed its name into LG Semiconductor (LG Semicon) at 1995, and it was merged into Hyundai Electronics industry (Hynix of now) at 1999. Companaidh saothrachaidh : Goldstar Electron Manufactured year: 1993 Dùthaich saothrachaidh : South Korea Module Features : 30prìne, DRAM, SIMM, RAM co-ionannachd […]